MS loves to do, then restarting your computer. Meaning, they immediately (and usually always go to "uninstall reinstall") go to a hardcore tech fix - try this, then this, do this, then that, when really, minimally half of the time it's nothing more than clearing your browser's temp files, making sure your browser didn't stay open after you closed it, which if you use Windows. Tech Support people can sometimes have trouble seeing the forest from the trees. Very friendly and knowledgeable around a computer for sure, but literally having no idea what's really going on with this mega widespread issue, or the other issues everyone's having with the VPN, and I'll fill you in on a little secret I know from being in tech support decades ago, and this goes for me back then as well. I found tech support to be rather unhelpful.

Long story short, everyone with Norton 360 Secure VPN has had to shut their VPN off in order to get online and do whatever it is they want or need to do. That's the mega wide spread issue happening in this current moment beginning a week or 2 ago, with a secondary issue reported and consistent from users who aren't experiencing that (yet, I have a feeling it's going to happen to everyone), but who are being blocked from nearly every site they ever use or was using with VPN turned on out of left field. What I mean by can't connect is that your ISP and wifi is connected and working fine, but with the VPN turned on it's blocking any connection you have to the Net at all. It turns on, but it disables your connectivity, or you can connect, but then in the midst of something moments later it disconnects you again.
Vpn activator windows#
That being said, at this very moment in time, you shouldn't be too concerned about it not being enabled, because almost all Norton 360 customers are experiencing inability to use Norton Secure VPN across Mac, Windows and phones. That actually happens to be rather often if I've been online and/or done a LOT online all day or night, and what I explained I do to fix it has always worked. And, I'm not asking, because I'm not an Advisor for Norton and don't want to lead you in the wrong direction, it was more of a curious question as to why Tech Support had you do all of that, when there was a far simpler fix.
Vpn activator mac#
I'm not sure what browser you're using, Mac or Windows, or if you're familiar with emptying temp/cache FULLY and not just partially, which can be set through your browsers settings, or if you're familiar with Task Manager, and I wouldn't mess around in there if you aren't, you don't want to be shutting crucial operating system files or programs, or other things like printer, cloud if you use it, or anything else you need. BravoStgc - are you using the stand only VPN or the Secure VPN that's part of the Norton 360 package? I'm asking because I use the Norton 360 product, which comes with Secure VPN and any time that happened to me (couldn't enable it), all I had to do was empty my browser cache, close my browser, open task manager (I do this anyway, I don't like that Microsoft Edge remains open in countless instances even after you've emptied your temp files and closed it), then restarted my computer and voila, I'd open my Norton 360 and my ability enable it was back.